
Race, Rights, and the Asian American Experience (2d ed. 2006) [Amazon Link]
Scientific Evidence and Equal Protection of the Law (2006) [Amazon Link]
Recent Academic Articles and Book Chapters
Redistricting Reform and the California Citizens Redistricting Commission, Harvard Law & Policy Review 8 (2014): 109-140
Language Assistance and Local Voting Rights Law, Indiana Law Review 44 (2010): 161-199
Science and Constitutional Fact Finding in Equal Protection Analysis, Ohio State Law Journal 69 (2008): 1115-1172
Bakke, Antidiscrimination Jurisprudence, and the Trajectory of Affirmative Action Law, in Realizing Bakke’s Legacy: Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, and Access to Higher Education (Patricia Marin & Catherine Horn eds., 2008)
Language Accommodation and the Voting Rights Act, in Democracy, Participation and Power: Perspectives on Reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act (Ana Henderson ed. 2007)